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News by artificial intelligence without human biases
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No cookies
No tracing


AI-News is kind of blog site published by an individual person and it publishes articles generated by artifical intelligence (e.g. GPT, Bing/new, Bard, Notion, yms.).

The publisher may perform some semantic or cosmetic changes to the text but generally they are published as they come from the AI generator and the publisher is not responsible for the content. The articles are examples of the abilities and limitations of AI.

Sometimes AI provides great results and sometimes the information is totally false or misleading - which tends to be the way of the Internet. Just like with other media, the reader has to be skeptical and verify the information from trustful sources.

AI-News shows no advertising but it is paid service using ShowMoor -service which collects small subsription fee from readers and shares it with the publishers


AI-News does not collect any user data and thus doesn't save any.

AI-News does not follow or trace users and cannot share any user data to other parties.

AI-News is not using cookies so we have no need to give nasty pop-ups to dismiss.

AI-News uses ShowMoor-service that can use e.g. cookies to identify users and distribute payments. Se details on ShowMoor pages.


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